Aether Vodka 700 ml
Aether Vodka 700 ml
The ancient Greeks believed that way up in the sky, the gods breathed lighter and purer
air than the rest of us mortals, and they called it Aether. This inspired the the very talented team at The Gospel, makers of Australia’s finest rye whiskeys, to make a crystal clear vodka that seems not to be of this world. Aether vodka (pronounced “eether”) vodka is hand-made in Melbourne from Australian wheat. It’s column-distilled and then filtered through charcoal made from coconut husks. After that it’s further filtered through limestone and then lovingly bottled. Australia’s first cool-climate vodka, Aether is all about purity, clarity and the cleanest of clean tastes. In this higher spirit we trust.
40.0% alc/vol. | 700ml
*note that spirits will be delivered separately to beer
ABV | 40% |